24- 25 Sept, Taipei
This event has played a significant role in gastroenterological development, gathering professionals from Taiwan and around the world.
aetherAI proudly presented aetherAI Endo, Real-time AI-Powered Colorectal Polyp Detection. With AI assistance, it can help improve the quality and consistency of colonoscopy.
台灣消化醫學週 TDDW 2022
TDDW是每年消化系醫學的重頭戲。大腸癌的預防與診治持續受國人高度重視,雲象與國泰醫院、台大醫院攜手,研發出近期完成取證的大腸鏡即時AI 瘜肉偵測。
雲象期許為大腸鏡檢查品質、醫院評鑑亮點、AI 智慧健檢提供助力。