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Annual Meeting of JSDP

26-28 Aug., Tokyo

The 20th JSDP, Japanese Society of Digital Pathology Annual Meeting focused on Digital Pathology and AI research. It is expected to collect insights for adopting more clinical applications about the pathological AI operated currently.

aetherAI aetherSlide and AI applications were showcased at this event. CEO Joe Yeh, M.D. joined the Pathology AI session with other pathologists and doctors. aetherAI’s AI-assisted lymph node assessment workflow for detection improvement was highlighted in his sharing.

為期三天,於日本北里大學以線上實體混和進行的第20屆「日本病理學會年會」盛大舉行,聚焦兩大重點:數位病理,以及AI 臨床研究。邀集來自日、美、德等地專家,探討病理影像的AI 應用發展。

雲象赴日參與此盛會,執行長葉肇元醫師與日本多家醫院先進,參與病理AI主題論壇,提出胃癌淋巴結轉移AI偵測實例,以及全玻片影像大圖運算的突破,期為日本病理AI 發展提出助力

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