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Taiwan Society of Pathology Annual Meeting

28 Nov. 2021

aetherAI showcases its flagship solution, aetherSlide, and others at the Taiwan Society of Pathology Annual Meeting in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Based on the strength of aetherSlide, the largest share of the digital pathology market in Taiwan, aetherAI provides its AI Apps and AI-powered solutions, responding to the AI era as diagnostic support.

Taiwan Society of Pathology adopts aetherWeb for its Annual Meeting. Dedicated to enhancing pathology education, aetherWeb hosts slide collections curated by renowned domain experts and allows pathologists to manage and share whole slide images effortlessly.

aetherAI showcases aetherAI Hema, aetherAI IHC, and aetherAI LN, its first launch, receiving great feedback.

11/28 台灣病理學會年會

直擊醫療數位轉型 AI應用落地

此次在高雄舉辦的秋季年會,使用了雲象aetherWeb 數位病理教學平台,展現實體活動與虛擬平台彼此搭配互補的效益,正適合後疫情時期,滿足不受時空限制的病理閱片及討論需求。此外,多種病理人工智慧模型aetherAI Apps亦是重點,例如首次展出「胃癌淋巴結轉移偵測aetherAI LN」,強調導入病理工作流程後的效益評估。


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