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Crucial Challenges in Digital Health Transformation

25 May 2022

aetherAI CEO Joe Yeh addressed this issue at a Digital Health Development Forum, initiated by PwC Taiwan and Taiwan Digital Health Industry Development Association.

- Most pathologists today remain the traditional practice of pathology, which is not only manual but is prone to inaccuracy, error, and inefficiency.

- Pathology AI applications have to integrate with clinical workflow, meeting the needs of pathologists.

- The common method of AI training requires manual annotation by pathologists.

These obstacles slow the pace of digital health transformation.

With aetherAI’s development and collaboration with hospitals, it’s expected to drive the transformation faster and more efficiently.

醫療數位轉型 如何才能加快腳步


1. 自19世紀近代病理奠定基礎,百年來至今絕大多數病理科醫師仍採用相近手法進行診斷,大量倚賴人工作業

2. 即使2015年AI深度學習演算法的突破,有助應用於影像辨識,但還需與臨床流程整合,才能提升醫師效益

3. 業界普遍採用的AI模型訓練,有賴醫師大量標註資料,消耗醫師的心力與投入熱誠





媒體報導:病理科如何運用AI科技? 成功訓練AI揪病灶促數位轉型

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