16 Sept. 2021

aetherAI, Asia’s leading medical image AI solution provider, Novartis Taiwan, a leader in the pharmaceutical industry, and Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Linkou CGMH), the largest medical center in Taiwan, recently established a strategic partnership to introduce AI to diagnostic hematopathology, specific for myeloproliferative neoplasm, MPN.
Impressed by aetherAI’s digital pathology solutions and its AI capabilities, Novartis Taiwan invited aetherAI to collaborate on MPN diagnostic support solution.

Following the success of aetherAI Hema, the world’s first bone marrow differential AI system, the latest MPN project with Novartis Taiwan will further explore the power of AI, pushing the boundaries of AI-powered hematology solutions. Trained on the world’s largest dataset of over 1 million carefully curated cells, the plug-and-play aetherAI Hema can provide 15 subtypes of differential count with accuracy as high as 94%.

Since 2018, aetherAI has been collaborating with National Taiwan University Hospital, Linkou CGMH, and Chi Mei Medical Center on AI-powered hematology solutions and has optimized procedures such as bone marrow smear AI differential counting and lymph node metastases AI detection. Joe Yeh, M.D., aetherAI Co-founder and CEO points out that all these steps were part of the journey to this joint MPN project with Novartis.

Dr. Yeh adds that this partnership with Novartis Taiwan serves as a great recognition of aetherAI’s world-class strength, covering digital pathology transformation, medical image AI adoption, and advanced AI research capabilities, and so forth. Leveraging its leading diagnostic imaging AI technologies, aetherAI not only supports medical centers and hospitals but also reaches out to pharmaceutical companies, streamlining workflow with Artificial Intelligence.
Founded in October of 2015, aetherAI is ranked no. 1 in the digital pathology and AI market in Taiwan. Since 2017, aetherAI has been tripling its annual revenue for three years in a row, actively exploring the global markets, including Japan, the Middle East, and the United States. aetherAI-supported researches have been published in prestigious international journals, to name a few: <An Annotation-free Whole-slide Training Approach to Pathological Classification of Lung Cancer Types by Deep Neural Network> by Nature Communications, <Identification of nodal micrometastasis in colorectal cancer using deep learning on annotation-free whole-slide images> by Modern Pathology, etc.
伴隨AI技術成熟、新冠肺炎加速數位轉型,林口長庚紀念醫院、雲象科技、台灣諾華三方跨界攜手,奠基於林口長庚醫院病理數位化累積的龐大資料庫,結合雲象科技AI技術,進行深度學習、訓練深度神經網路來辨識骨髓細胞的形態、特徵與空間分布情形,打造「血液病理AI輔助判讀應用」,以提供客觀且量化的數據,輔助病理醫師作出高效、精準的「骨髓增生性腫瘤」(myeloproliferative neoplasm,簡稱MPN)診斷;而台灣諾華則長期投入血液腫瘤研發治療,促成策略合作。希冀藉此提升國內血液腫瘤篩檢量能,幫助病患獲得即時診斷及治療。

研調機構Research and Markets今夏報告指出,全球數位病理市場規模持續攀升,特別在AI輔助影像分析的應用上,成長動能強勁。林口長庚紀念醫院解剖病理部陳澤卿主任指出,林口長庚每月有近萬個案例、高達上萬筆的病理玻片需要判讀,病理團隊每日皆須面臨數量龐大且急迫的病例。為了能及早且精準幫助病患確診,長庚醫院已將病理玻片數位化,為全台少數完成跨院區病理科數位化的醫療院所,大幅提升判讀方便性。長庚醫院五個院區採用雲象科技數位病理系統,目前林口長庚數位化玻片已累積超過38萬片。