
Access and share digital images anytime, anywhere
The web-based platform enables users to access anytime, and accelerates remote collaboration with simultaneous viewing fuction much better than multi-headed microscope.

Personalize slide management for teaching and conferencing
Users can create multi-layer folders and tree-like classification for the personal / institutional database management. The de-identification function keeps privacy and security for information concern.
Easily prepare courses to maximize resource utilization
Flexible slide access control allows users to easily share selected slides with collaborators. All material can be reused as giving an update of collaborators.

Case Study
Facilitate the cross-country discussion for knowledge and training acceleration

Asian Society of Dermatopathology, ASD consists of around 100 doctors from 12 countries to enhance the quality of the practice of dermatopathology. aetherWeb, placed over 1600 slides is served for ASD. It also is the consultation platform for ASD’s annual events, seminars and monthly courses. Over 10 courses have been hosted from 2020 - 2021 for instance.